Our life journey is never linear. We all go through hard times, we all go through challenging emotions, we all sometimes wonder how to navigate certain situations. We are all here to grow, evolve, expand. As long as we are breathing, we will be evolving. Life will give us places, people, opportunities, situations that are going to challenge us and to help us become the next and better version of the self. If we hold within our mind the perception that no matter what is happening, it is for our highest good (regardless of the outer appearance), it will help us to find the light even in the darkest moments, it will help us to search for new ways of being that will serve us better in our daily lives.
It is easily said than done, is not it? I feel you. I see you. On the other side of the difficulties, stay possibilities that remain always infinite and unlimited. We just need to tap into them.
Below I am going to offer you some steps that might be helpful to you for navigating challenging emotions. Grab whatever resonates.
- Take a few hours only for yourself. If you are around people – why do not you ask them to understand that you need space for yourself, so that you can navigate what is occurring
If certain emotions surface for whatever reason: maybe because of a certain situation, someone’s words, someone’s perspective that is not in alignment with yours, maybe just because of your own behaviour that you struggle to navigate and even understand, it might be really helpful to take a few hours alone. It will minimise the risk of projecting these feelings onto the others and putting yourself in even more vulnerable position.
- Recognise the feelings while really feeling them
Nobody wants to feel negative emotions, does not they? The normal human response to emotions that are painful is running, distraction and making everything possible to avoid them. The mind is always looking for the easiest way to “protect” us, to make us feel “safe”, however that’s an illusionary protection. In reality, running from certain feelings will make sure that they stay longer. The “enemy” is bigger when faced from aside. What I want to say with that is the fact that when we sit with all of our fears, we will understand that nothing can really “kill” us, it is all an illusion of the mind.
Some of the emotions are too painful and too scary. I get that. Sometimes humans prefer to do everything possible but not to face them, as facing them means an illusionary “death”. I am not about crossing your comfort zone, if you feel unsafe doing so. Do it to the extend you are able to. Do not push yourself. Just do the small, affordable step. One step after another. Remember that every step, no matter how small it is, is something.
Once you do the necessary small steps, the mind will recognise that you are still “safe”, then you will feel more comfortable to do the next step and the next step and you might not even notice how quickly you are going to feel everything and free yourself from the illusionary prison.
- Try to understand where the “problem” is coming from
So many of our negative emotions are coming from unhealed traumas, from past wounds that are still alive in a way within ourselves, from societal, parental, cultural programming that is not serving us by any means. When we take the time to sit with that, acknowledge it, recognise it, acknowledge the fear hidden in the negative emotions, it will definitely help us to become freer and freer. Oftentimes understanding that by ourself alone is not feasible, if that’s the case with you – I strongly recommend to look for help or guidance (pick the word that better resonates).
- Feel all the feeling, but do not allow yourself to be fully emerged by them
Once we feel what we need to feel and to the extent that our capabilities allow that, we need to look for ways out of it. Negative circles can gain huge power, if we allow them to be and once the negative momentum is strong getting out of it is even harder. That’s why when you face the illusionary threat, you need to put conscious efforts to get out of there. What are these conscious efforts about, will defer for everyone. For yourself it may mean: getting into a walk amidst the nature, for other it may mean working out, etc. I understand that it sounds small and irrelevant among the pain, but conscious efforts for shifting into even a small positive momentum, may have a potent power you have even thought about. Put your mind into holding yourself, being your biggest supporter. You’ve got this.
Whatever is accruing in your life, it will pass sooner or later. Remember that the hardest times are not coming to destroy us, but actually to build us. Trust the process. ✨✨✨
With ❤️, Diyana